Length of Golf Season
The Willingers Golf Club Thursday League is a 2-person team 9-hole league. The season is 17 weeks long, running each Thursday from May 4th to August 24th2023. Thursday Night Men’s League is a tee time league starting at 4:00pm each Thursday. On Thursdays that have an outing booked, the starting time will move to a 6:00pm (Shotgun). We will notify you by email which dates will be affected (by Mid-April)
Registration for Thursday League
Non – Members $577.50 + tax ($620.00 total) per player inc. cart
Willingers Members $185.30 + tax ($200.00 total)
2-Person Match Play League Format and Rules
The format for league will be a match play format. Teams will be paired with another team which will be their opponent for the week. Each hole will be worth 1 point; if a hole is tied each team will receive a ½ point for that hole.
Each player will receive their full 9-hole handicap. No player may receive more than 2 strokes per hole.
Play will be from the Blue Tees…unless you are 60+ and elect to play from the White Tees. If you elect to play from the White Tees your handicap will be converted from the White Tee.
Each two-man team will have a card. Teams must switch cards with their fellow competitors on their starting hole. DO NOT KEEP YOUR OWN SCORES. At the completion of the match, please turn in your scores only when all are satisfied they are correct.
League Extras
We will have additional contest each week (in addition to the match play). For example; one week we may have field events on the course. Other weeks we will have a different competition that runs concurrent with the yearlong match play.